Golden Swallow revolves around the further adventures of its title character. This time around, she ...
After a career spanning more than forty years and dozens of films as director or writer, Yueh Feng u...
A group of evil bandits are terrorizing the land from their invincible mountain castle. The high com...
They brutally killed his wife, wiped out dozens of his innocent people, and burnt his entire village...
A noble swordsman, whose arm had been chopped off, returns to his former teacher to defend him from ...
Six heroes are killed while investigating rampant lawlessness at Zhaoqing Temple where villains are ...
Experienced heroine Li Li-Hua plays a swordswoman out to reclaim her murdered husband's "Green Sword...
A righteous clan’s effort to seek out and destroy the powerful Thundering Sword turns into a tragedy...
The bandits of Hulu Valley murder the chief of Mei Clan while searching for a treasure map. In retal...
Tiger Boy, an itinerant young knight-errant bent on revenge for his father's death 15 years earlier ...
A perennial Chang Cheh favorite, Anonymous Heroes focuses on two vagabond brothers, Meng Kang and Ti...
Plotting to obtain the Yen family's land, dastardly Japanese plutocrat Omura bribes Yen nephew Hsu C...
After a notorious rapist kills his master and entire clan, the Iron Buddha sets out for revenge. He'...
Flyer & Magic Sword is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung....
An electrical engineer discovers that terrorists are planning to sabotage a power plant...
A military plane carrying a nuclear load explodes mid-air after being hit by mysterious electronic r...
A member of the Red Peony troupe, singer Tang Pei Hua (Yeh Feng) is renowned for her beautiful voice...
Chuan Yuan is the noble, powerful hero and Shu Pei-pei, one of Shaw’s top swordswoman, is a reluctan...
Siu Lao (Lieh) and Ma Tien Piao (Feng) are bandits who ride from town to town holding up banks and k...
Ling Bo is Lin, a young man engaged to the daughter of a rich man, who now despises Lin because of h...